I asked for feedback from my candidate and she told me that she thought I was doing a wonderful job and had no major complaints. She was especially impressed with how well I learned how to use the voterbuilder software. This feedback makes me feel really good about the work I have accomplished and look forward to what is next in my internship.
One of the things I was really nervous to do was knocking on peoples doors to ask them to vote for my candidate. I have never been a person who was good at striking up conversation with people. Also, going to strangers houses kind of made me nervous. However, it was something I had to do. On the first house I was really nervous, and it was a good thing I had someone with me to help me so I was not alone. After the first couple of houses it got easier and a lot of the houses we knocked at there was no one home, so we just left literature. Afterwards I realized that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. There were only a couple of people who were really strange, everyone else was very friendly and willing to listen and engage in conversation.
Knowing what I know now, I probably would not have worn jeans. I was so hot towards the end. I also would not have been so nervous at the first couple of houses because everything turned out all right.
Similar situation happened to me! My boss was really impressed how quickly I was able to learn how to use one of the computer programs as well!