Friday, July 11, 2014

Learning experiences at Scoutmob

      This week at Scoutmob, I’ve been working on smaller tasks rather than big projects. We sent the first Wedding email out on Mailchimp, and I’ve been studying the reception. From all of the information in Mailchimp, I made a document of who opened the email, who clicked through to the website, and who unsubscribed. My boss will now begin to target the people who clicked through in hopes of partnering with them for paid pinning or blogging. I’ve also been learning how to use Google Analytics, which is very interesting and useful in the Communications industry. It allows you to see basically everything about the traffic coming to a website such as how people get to the site, how many times one returns to the site, and much more. I am continuously searching for any type of press/articles that bloggers have written on Scoutmob, and I am then documenting it. Google Analytics is a really great skill to have, so I’m very happy I’m getting experience with it and I’m excited to use it a little bit more throughout the rest of my internship.
      One obstacle that I work on overcoming is finding things to do when I finish my tasks. I found that when asking my boss, he usually gives me the same answer: look for new bloggers for outreach! That being said, in the future I’m going to do that whenever I don’t have a lot of other work.

      Overall, I think all of the information I’ve learned recently is very interesting, and I’m looking forward to learning more.  

1 comment:

  1. Stacy,
    It sounds like you are developing some really useful skills and getting exposure to some programs that will continue to serve you throughout the rest of your career. Glad that it's going so well!
