Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Getting to Know Colleagues at Katz Direct

            Prior to starting my internship at Katz I had to go into the office twice for training with the other intern in my department. During these days they showed us how we would need to file the papers according to the stations they would be aired on, as well as how to allocate the names of the commercials through the online system. The system can get very confusing and the other intern and I quickly learned that it was very easy to make minor mistakes, which could wind up greatly affecting the agencies and clients we are working with.
            The first few days I was there, I had to go around to people in my department’s desks to see what work they had for me. They would hand me stacks of 200+ pages to be filed but only one or two allocations to be put into the system. It was obvious that I would have to prove my capabilities before they would entrust me with greater responsibilities. It was frustrating that my first few days were spent mostly filing, but my boss promised that over time my workload would become more significant.
            A co-worker Cymone, who works at another desk in my cubicle, has been a great, informal mentor throughout my experience so far. She related to my initial frustrations and explained that she was made to mostly file her first weeks at the company as well. She was also the one to help me get comfortable with the online system, showing me how to fix mistakes and avoid them in the first place. She taught me all the tricks I need to know on Excel, allowing me to become quicker and more efficient at the data entry. Since her help, my co-workers have been giving me a lot more responsibility! I noticed that through this added practice I am understanding the system a lot better and what exactly we are accomplishing by buying and selling commercial space. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I have been here for about three weeks, and I feel like I am just coming out of that phase. It seems like it is almost a rite of passage. Once we complete these tedious tasks and show that we are worthy of more important work, we gain more respect from our co-workers. I hope that I can experience a smooth transition similar to yours in the immediate future.
