Saturday, July 12, 2014

More than halfway through..!

At this point, I am more than halfway through my internship with Cumulus radio. Over the past few weeks I have gotten more acclimated to the busy schedule. July has been busier than May and June with many more events, so instead of working 3-4 days a week, I am now working 5 days a week. Recently, I have also formed even closer relationships with my coworkers (interns and full-timers), which makes me sad to think about leaving. I hope that these are contacts and friends I can keep far into the future. To me, the internship is just as cool and exciting as it was way back when I started. I still get psyched for every concert, GMA appearance and even for some office days because things are always new and changing. My events recently have ranged from afternoons at Sports Authority grand openings to Katy Perry, Neon Trees and Rascal Flatts concerts (the perks for this job are pretty great!). Being in a corporate setting has definitely opened up my eyes to figuring out what I may want to do when I graduate. I do enjoy the media and marketing aspect of my job, even though I may not want to pursue it in radio. Either way, I am learning and am continuing to value this experience!

New Jersey State Fair ^

Jason Derulo @ GMA


  1. So jealous of your perks! But it's awesome that you are getting such exposure to the industry even if it is to discover that you might not want to pursue it in the long run. Plus the connections you make will definitely help you out in the future! Good luck!

  2. This seems like an awesome internship experience that you will never forget! You're so lucky to have such fun perks. Enjoy the last weeks of your internship!

  3. The events you're going to seem so cool! It's great that you're learning so much about yourself!

  4. It is so cool that you still enjoy your internship so much! And also that you have formed some new friendships!
