Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The past few weeks at Scoutmob have been very busy. Amidst the World Cup (which employees watch every day on a screen that they brought in,) I have recently completed the media list project, and I’m really excited to see my work be put into use. The wedding site recently launched, so the employees will really be starting to use what I have been working on!
Last week, I sat in on a meeting with about five other people in which we discussed the bi-weekly emails that will be sent out regarding the new wedding section. We made a schedule for when the emails will be sent out and brainstormed ideas of what exactly each email should include. It was great because I was able to input ideas and also see what goes into sending out these emails. After discussing these details, we made a rough outline of what the first one should look like, which is then passed on to the design employees who will actually create the email. The next day, Jarod, my boss, taught me how to use Mailchimp, which is the website they use to email subscribers, bloggers, or anyone of interest. Mailchimp allows you to email large groups (and categorize the groups), see who opens the email and the activity that happens after they open it, as well as many other cool features. From compiling all of their different media lists, I was able to make a list that includes 1,000 people and their emails so that Scoutmob can reach out to them. Jarod helped me input these into Mailchimp- I thought I would have to manually input each person, but was extremely happy when I found out it can all be done at once! This will be very helpful for reaching out to people for possible contests, paid pinning on Pinterest, or just making people aware of new items on Scoutmob.
I’m really learning a lot at Scoutmob, and it’s great to know that my work is making a difference!


  1. I also made a media list for bridal publications that we had to reach out to along with bloggers, magazines, etc. My employers were talking about Mailchimp the other day! I was taught how to use CisionPoint, which is relatively similar to Mailchimp and it also helps you create your media list. I hope it all works out and you continue to enjoy your time at Scoutmob!

  2. That's so awesome that you're able to see your hard work in action and being put to use. A lot of the work I'm doing is at the ground level so I'm not necessarily see the final product of what I've done, so I can only imagine how cool and gratifying it is for you! I'm really glad your liking Scoutmob because it seems like a great place. They seem to really value and appreciate your input! Good luck as the summer continues!

    -Carly Margolin

  3. Your job sounds really interesting and it is great that they are teaching you so much! The World Cup seemed to take over some people's lives in my office as well, which I thought was crazy!
