Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week 3: The Challenges

As of this week, the current project that I am in charge of has hit a stand still. For the remaining tests that I need to conduct for the user testing, I am awaiting the results from the work from my co-worker's project. In order to speed up the process so I could continue my work, I joined their project team for this week. The purpose behind their project is to review the one thousand of the seven thousand services in the database to assess whether they are relevant and viable services that would meet our target population's needs for Montefiore Hospital BMT.

This work consisted of simply going to each of these individual service's website to evaluate whether we believe it meets the criteria of what Montefiore Hospital desires. As a result, this was a tedious process that required a significant amount of time to complete. Analyzing a single website does not take long, however, the vast number of websites we had to look through was grueling work. Although I do not enjoy this type of work, I understand this is necessary to help further the progress of the team as a whole. Once we are able to assess which services appear to meet the standards, I can then resume my own project of testing whether these services do appear in the service selection page to be chosen from.

This week went by somewhat slowly during this process. However, it was really nice to working in this environment with this type of view to pass the time. The team is getting along extremely well and the progress of the application is running smoothly. Also, I may be assigned a new project to come up with a possible business model for this company to operate by. We'll see how that turns out but, as of now, I have completed my third week of my internship.

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  1. Benjamin,
    Sounds like this week was tedious work for you. But it's great that you are getting exposure to many different activities in the office. Keep up the good work!

  2. I totally understand where you are coming from, sometimes it feels monotonous to perform the same task a million times over. However, you also understand that it's necessary to do this in order to further your progress and complete a task. It may be annoying sometimes but sounds like you're learning a lot!
