Friday, July 11, 2014

Being the Charge Nurse: the CEO of the ER

For my last post, I'm going to write about what my day would be like if I was the charge nurse in the ER, since he or she is kind of like the the CEO of a company but in this case, the company is the ER! Over the past couple of months, before I start every shift I check in with the charge nurse on duty and I've really got to know the charge nurses well. Their job is to keep the ER running smoothly. They makes sure there are enough nurses, assign patients coming in from ambulances their rooms, notify the staff of traumas, and lend a helping hand whenever it's needed. Kind of like the mom that does everything, the charge nurse really has to have their act together because in the ER, it's lives we're talking about!

If I had the opportunity to be charge nurse for a day, it'd definitely be a stressful day... but also a rewarding one. Being charge nurse can be quite stressful but with some great organizational skills and an awesome staff, it's totally doable! As charge nurse, I'd want to help out whenever my staff needed it and in order to increase morale, I'd definitely throw a pizza party at the end of the day. Everybody loves pizza.. especially hard working nurses and doctors!

Overall, my experience working in the ER has been absolute priceless and I love getting to work with all the staff! Shout out to all of the hard working charge nurses!!


  1. I can definitely relate to this post, as I volunteered to work in the E.R. of a local hospital. It is insane how stressed out everyone can get, especially when the trauma cases start to pile up. As stressed as they are, they somehow manage to stay calm and collected when they're working on a patient. Pizza parties should be mandatory… everyone needs some comfort food to take the edge off of life sometimes!

  2. Its grew to hear you love working in the ER and you see every aspect, including the Charge Nurses. I wouldn't think about that position first when I think about the ER but it really makes you think just how many people it takes to make that place run smoothly.

  3. That is truly amazing that you had the opportunity to work within the ER this summer. I feel as though that is a hard internship to handle while being in college and I applaud you for doing that.
