Tuesday, July 1, 2014

DNC Take 6

So this will likely be my sixth and final blog post for the summer - and I feel like it rightfully comes to an end as my internship reaches its culmination around this fourth of July weekend.

My experience here has been amazing and I know I am going to try to take advantage of these last few weeks to do everything on my bucket list. I have met so many people in all different fields and points in their lives and I know they are the connections I will utilize throughout my career. DC has been very good to me and so has the DNC, we have become a little family within the marketing department and within our intern cohort. I have managed to do all of the things that make me a tourist while here, but also establishing a routine and feeling more like a local.

I have been getting more responsibility at work and I no longer feel like an intern, but an important asset to the team. I may have to do some menial tasks, but it is never without the context of the bigger picture. I may be a small gear in the large machine that is the DNC, but I can see how my hard work and efforts are effecting various aspects of the Democratic Party. I am also taking the opportunity to really learn about the rest of the departments while I am here. I am interning with the marketing team, but communications is something I really enjoy as well, so hopefully I will be able to shadow for a day to see how that department works in the grand scheme of things as well.

DC, while busy and intimidating, is essentially a very small world where everyone knows each other. So, in my final weeks I am really going to try to make myself remembered (in a good way ofc) to those around me, because you never know who is going to be able to connect you with someone or something later on down the line.

This has been such a learning experience, and I already am dreading leaving - so much so that I have already started looking for internships for next summer!


  1. I totally understand what you mean about having a "family" at the workplace. The entire staff in the ER where I work are just like a family to me too!

  2. Those picture are cool. Glad you had a good summer! Are you looking for similar internships for next summer, or other opportunities in DC (or both)?

  3. This is literally the coolest internship ever! I'd love to work in something that directly relates to politics. I'm a political science major, but I don't see a future in politics. Law is the ultimate goal, but still, this just seems so cool. You're so fortunate to have scores such an awesome internship!

  4. I bet it is really hard to end such a fun internship, but congratulations on finishing! As a democrat I want to thank you for all you did for the party! Good luck in your next internship search!
