Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 6 at HollywoodLife!

As my internship almost comes to an end (I only have two more weeks left, not including this week), I am actually pretty sad about it. I am really having a wonderful experience working here and really like the tasks that I perform on a daily basis.

The tasks that I get are usually the same every day, but it really never gets boring. I blog for our company's website so I am constantly getting articles throughout the day that I need to write up and request art for from the photo department. I didn't realize how much work is put into making an article the best it can be. Not only does it have to be written well, the whole layout and tags, videos, etc. are up to the journalist writing it. I didn't realize until working here that the article layout is also based on the journalist writing it, which I think is pretty interesting.

Because this week is July 4th, we get Friday off and they are letting everyone that works Thursday to take a half-day. I don't work Thursday's so that means I get an extra long weekend which I am super pumped about.

Yesterday for lunch, I ate with a friend in Byrant Park and really loved the atmosphere. I like taking lunch breaks and I like how my company allows us to leave the office for a 45 minute lunch break. It allows your brain to breathe and take a break!

Today was a cool day because I wrote some funny articles and some cool fashion articles. Another perk of the day was that about every two weeks, the beauty department gives away all of the products they received from companies for FREE! I was able to take a ton of cool make-up and hair products that I will definitely put to good use. Some weeks' products are better than others-- and this one was a pretty good week! It is nice that the company allows interns to take a ton of beauty products, considering they don't pay their interns so it is nice they are giving us something in return for our hard work. Additionally, in two weeks the company planned an intern bowling for all the interns in the departments. That is also a nice way of the company saying thank you!

I am sad that I am close to done with my internship but I definitely had a positive experience working at HollywoodLife and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for an internship next summer.

Below is a picture of just some of the cool products I received today that I will put to good use. Also, here is the link of all of the posts I have written. Check them out if you are ever bored at work.



  1. Okay, I'm so jealous of your internship! If I got free makeup, I'd be the happiest intern in the world!! This sounds like an awesome opportunity. Part of my internship is handling my company's social media sites (because I'm the youngest one in the office), so I totally understand the struggle with having an online component to the job. I just recently got introduced to blogging, in classes at Michigan, and I'm liking it more and more, but I couldn't even imagine having to produce high-quality professional blog posts like you have to do though! Good luck with the rest of your internship!

  2. It sounds like your internship was a really great experience with a positive outcome! It seems like the company really appreciates their interns, and hopefully this internship will help you find something great in the future!
