Tuesday, July 1, 2014

week 5: what "intern" means

While most weeks definitely keep me occupied at my internship, this past week really opened my eyes to what an intern really is. During the day, downtime seems to be a pretty common thing around my office. People roam in and out of each others offices, chatting, eating, and embracing the free-spirit environment.
Unfortunately, as the only intern in my department, I don’t have the same opportunity to hang around and chat with people, but rather I just wait, and wait, for things to do. “that’s what being an intern is,” you hear from anyone you complain to. This week things have begun to pick up again, and I am no longer left in my office, lonely girl. I am excited for market coming up and the jam-packed work weeks that lie ahead. I have learned a lot from this job when I complete day to day tasks and look forward to continuing to strengthen my knowledge of fashion, finance, and the overall industry.


  1. The title of your post made me instantly want to read it! It seems like everyone here at my internship has a great time at work. In the beginning, I too sat in my office, waiting for more work to be given to me while everyone else chilled with their workplace friends. Then, I got to know some of the other interns on my floor, and we have a such a great time! It's so unfortunate that you're the only intern. I can relate to you though. The other two interns here that I have become friends with are in a different department, so they're in the office less.

  2. It's so true. That's what everyone told me when I complained about folding jeans in the stock room! Can't wait to hear about your busy weeks that lie ahead!

  3. I can totally relate to this as I'm the only intern and also experience boring down time. I have been telling my parents that Monday is my favorite day of the week and they don't understand how because everyone else in the world complains about Mondays. For me, work piles up over the weekend and I actually have a lot to keep me busy on Mondays while there can be a lot of down time during the rest of the week. Today luckily my supervisor was having a slow day too so we went for a long coffee break to kill some time before a super long meeting, but when you're often alone and run out of things to do the time really goes by slowly.
