Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 4 Observations

Although I enjoy work, I couldn’t be happier that it is a short work week because of July 4th. I haven’t really been outside or seen the sun all summer so I am definitely in need of some vitamin C. But onto my internship - I do not really think my perspectives have changed that much since my first day. Since the first day, I realized what working here would be like and every day basically involves the same routine. 
One observation I have made is that as an intern you are really at the bottom of the totem pole. For instance, at the beginning of the internship they gave the interns an intern project. Last week we were supposed to pitch to 60+ magazine editors and bloggers in order to get coverage, but our supervisors have still not edited our pitches! How are we supposed to pitch to editors and get coverage if our pitches have not yet been approved?! I definitely think all the interns are starting to get frustrated with the project but it is very understandable since our supervisors are loaded with work (especially work that is more important than a simple intern project). Even though the project is not following the exact route that it is supposed to, I am still learning so much and happy we were given this project. Moreover, I learned that being at the bottom of the totem pole is something you need to do in order to get to the top - so even though we may be somewhat at the bottom right now, the more experience we get the more beneficial it will be in the end!


  1. It is good that you are understanding of the fact that interns are the lowest position in the work force! At least you are still positive about your job and understand the tasks that are assigned to you!

  2. It is important to stay positive and keep working hard because hard work definitely will pay off in the end. Also, though only an intern I am sure everyone in the office gets frustrated at times!

  3. I have found that everything tends to work out if you keep on working and do not overthink it. Based on the fact that you are enjoying your work so far, it sounds like you are keeping the right attitude. Being lowest on the totem pole is never fun, but hopefully these internships can accelerate the process when we try to get actual jobs after college.
