Monday, June 30, 2014

The Beginning

I’ve already made it through my second week and so far I love my internship. When I walked in on my first day, I was kindly greeted by my new co-workers. I was ready for my new professional lifestyle – short heels and all – until I looked around me in dismay to find that all the other girls were wearing flats. However, it was hard to feel too embarrassed when everyone made me feel so comfortable. Almost everybody came over to my desk to introduce themselves and asked me about myself and my interests. There are only about 10 people in the office, and a majority are under the age of 30. Everyone gets along well, constantly collaborating with one another as they are each on individual teams for each of the clients. Each day I get multiple messages on Google Chat from my coworkers, so I soon caught on that this is how they choose to communicate even though everyone works within speaking distance. I was shocked when I was told to “make a pitch” within my few days in the office. Immediately I was treated like anyone else in the office rather than an just an intern. I am pleased that my boss and coworkers trust me to do important work, and I know that I will learn a lot by working with them throughout the summer.


  1. Hi Lauren,

    So funny ---- I was way too overdressed on my first day too but I guess how that is always supposed to be.... AND my job also made me write a pitch right away and I never even knew what a pitch was!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your work week

  2. Similar to my internship, I am being treated like anyone else in the office rather than simply an intern. It is a wonderful place to be a part of especially a learning environment where my employers are very focused on my internship experience. I hope you continue to enjoy your time there and I wish you success in your future internship work.

  3. Our internship environments and tasks sound VERY similar! My office is also relatively small and everyone is young and welcoming. We also communicate via messenger in our office, but we use Skype instead of Google Chat. And even as an intern I was too thrown into important tasks like pitch writing. I hope you continue to learn and enjoy your summer internship!
