Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cantor Fitzgerald Week 2- Daily Routine

Cantor Fitzgerald Week 2- My Daily Routine
By Victoria Dey

Week 2 has finished and all of the interns and I have finally gotten down a set schedule of what to do each day. We arrive around 7:30am for what is called the Sales Trading Call, where Cantor analysts around the world suggest what stocks are going to do well and those that are not. After that, we go to the research call at 7:45am. I find this meeting to be the most interesting because we listen to more Cantor analysts who are either in Europe or Asia and what they predict will happen to companies. For example, the analysts have suggested when the iPhone 6 is going to come out and how they think the iPad will do for the next quarter. They have even talked about information regarding Netflix and their business and marketing models. Since these are companies whose products I actually use, it is really interesting to understand what might happen, all just from analysts talking to people who are more closely related with the products in other countries.

Next, we catch up on the mornings news by reading newspapers and reading articles online, and then go about our own business at the desks we were assigned. After finally getting to know all of the employees and the overall scope of each section on the floor, we were told to give three names of the desks we wanted to work at (ie. Options, Risk Arbitrage, Broker etc.) for the next two weeks. I ended up with my first choice, which is the International desk. There are about 10 employees within this sector and I sit with a different person each day, learning what trades they are making and how current events, like what is going on in Iraq, are affecting different stocks. Some desks cover Europe while others focus on Asia and Canada. I am the most interested in the European market so I usually learn about stocks being traded in that area. The most exciting part of the week was when they let me call over an order on the phone that went directly to the Stock Exchange where the trade was placed.

New York Stock Exchange

With a lunch break in-between, we continue to sit at our assigned desks, aiding in projects on the side and completing many excel sheets of different prospects and their locations. We end the day at 4pm when the market closes and go over with our advisor some of the things we learned for the day. There hasn’t been one day where I have been hesitant about what I have said I have learned because there is always an endless supply of information. Overall, things are moving very fast but I could not be happier.

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