Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 2 at UrbanBound

Getting to Know My Colleagues

At UrbanBound I work in the marketing department. The marketing department sits together in the back corner of the office and is made up of a team of 4 people. They are all absolutely hilarious. My supervisor, Aria, never takes things seriously. She even loves it when I send her funny buzzfeed links or articles (I sent her this one earlier in the week and she basically died: The VP of Marketing, Erin, is also really great to work with. She really is a master of marketing and I always see her on her computer analyzing charts and data about how many hits UrbanBound is getting. Erin also is hilarious. It's interesting because on my first day, I was intimidated by how everyone was so loud and funny. Although I consider myself an extrovert, I felt like I would never  understand their jokes or even play around with them myself. This week that definitely changed as I now feel much closer with my colleagues at UrbanBound.

Since I now feel really comfortable with Aria and Erin, I was able to ask them something I was meaning to all week. You always hear about internships being about getting to do and learn what you want to, and how it is necessary for you to approach your supervisors if there is something you want to do that they aren't assigning you. With this said, I noticed that Aria and Erin had been conducting a lot of interviews the past two weeks as they are looking to hire for a few new marketing positions. I felt like sitting in on a phone interview would be a great opportunity for me to learn about interview skills. Although I was kind of intimidated to take this initiative, I asked Aria and Erin at the end of the day if they had any upcoming phone interviews I could sit in on. They agreed that it would be a great opportunity and idea for me to sit in and learn from it. They had one the next day and immediately sent me a calendar email inviting me. After the interview, Aria, Erin, and I discussed the pros and cons of the interviewee and provided me with a lot of insight that I never would have realized! I definitely will keep their tips in mind for my next interview. I also think Aria and Erin were impressed with my initiative. I will never again be afraid of speaking up if I want to do something!


  1. Your experience sitting in on a phone interview sounds great! I've also had the chance to do this and it was such a nice learning experience!

  2. Congrats for taking initiative! I think this is something I definitely need to work on. My supervisor is always so intently gazing into her emails that I feel like I am going to be bothering her if I ask to do something outside of the tasks she has given me. Did you find that a certain time was a good time to ask? End or beginning of the day or at lunch perhaps?
