Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 1: Initial Impressions

Last Monday, June 9th, I started my internship with CBS Studios in the Entertainment Tonight department. Prior to starting, I did not know much about production or entertainment journalism aside from simply watching the show, thus I went into my first week without knowledge of what exactly my internship would entail. On the first day, the other interns and I watched the CBS Upfronts, which is when CBS presents its fall line-up to advertisers in New York. Then, we toured the CBS Radford Studio Lot and got to see the various sound stages and learn about the background of the lot. After filling out logistical paperwork, we made our way over to the Entertainment Tonight/Insider stage. Currently, the Entertainment Tonight and Insider stages are being combined onto one sound stage, thus there is a lot of construction going on in the office. As of now, the shows are being shot on temporary stages on the original ET set as the original Insider set is being renovated to accommodate both shows.
Jennifer Bishop (Right) and myself (left) on set of ET. Jennifer is the intern I have been working with this week.

The Intern Supervisor instructed us that we would each be assigned a new position every week or so depending on where we are needed. For my first week I was assigned to Senior Producer Sharlette Hambrick. Because of the construction, I worked in either Sharlette's office or put in a vacant office when an employee was not in. I was assigned to file Sharlette's paperwork that had been accumulating, make calls to stations regarding mandatory refeeds of the show, and also help research segments she was in the process of producing. My favorite part of the day is when they feed the show to all of the TVs in the office, so that the technical elements could be sorted out and the staff could see the final product. All in all, it has been a busy first week and I definitely have learned a lot more about the process of producing a daily entertainment news show. I look forward to going on shoots at junkets and premieres with producers throughout the summer.

The logos of the two shows in the lobby of the studio. Sometimes the hosts of The Insider shoot a segment called "Social Sound-Off" here. 


  1. It's so exciting that you are working for Entertainment Tonight! Similar to you, I did not know much about the field I was about to go into for my internship. As I'm sure you already realized from your first week, and from my own experience thus far with my internship, I can tell you that you will learn a lot in your next few weeks with ET. I can't wait to hear more about your internship as the weeks progress. Good luck!

  2. It is so cool that you will be able to go to shoots and premieres! And also that you will be assigned a new position every week, so you can see all the different aspects and jobs available. You are going to learn so much about the industry!
