Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rock Shrimp Productions: Week 2

Morning cup of coffee to start off the day! Week Two here and I am still chugging along. This past week has been very  hectic and has given me much insight into the production world.

I have been working the last few days on the set for "Beat Bobby Flay". This consists of moving various things from place to place, a bit of wood-working, and overhearing many cool and interesting tidbits about the show and the whole process in general. "Beat Bobby Flay" was so successful in its first season that The Food Network renewed it for a double season this summer; meaning airing back-to-back episodes every week. Very exciting news for the folk around here.

Along with my "grunt" work, I have been spending a good deal of time with Shai; the head of marketing at Rock Shrimp Productions. Her primary objective is to find outside sources, not limited to The Food Network, who could benefit from the services Rock Shrimp can provide. It is cool to see how she goes about this.

Week Two has been a little better, as I am getting more and more comfortable with the people around the workplace. Still no sign of Bobby though, hopefully soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool that you're able to see some of the behind-the-scenes interactions and work that goes into producing a show! Is there anything that you have found surprising or that you didn't think about before this internship?
