Monday, June 30, 2014

Madrid Internship - Post #3

Hi everyone,
Because I’ve been designing materials like posters and informative pamphlets, I’ve been able to get feedback every time I finish a project. With design, it’s been challenging to maintain a balance between following the image of the organization while also being creative with each new assignment. So far, my supervisors have approved of a lot the work that I’ve been doing but asking to change a couple of elements to fit exactly what they’re looking for. Overall, the pace with which I work could be improved. Sometimes it seems like I take too long to deliver on a certain project even if it appears to be fairly simple. Some of the challenge is in trying to translate the Spanish terms in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. I’m not completely familiar with all the commands for these programs in English, especially because I started using Illustrator this past week, but having to navigate through all the tools in Spanish seems to have slowed me down. The people in my office have always been patient but a personal goal for me is to try to work a faster pace while still maintaining a high level of performance. I just finished working on creating cards that will be displayed in supermarkets around Spain to inform people about how 1 Kilo de Ayuda functions. Thinking about how widely distributed the card will be was a little overwhelming but my boss seemed to be really pleased with what I drafted up. I enjoyed the whole process because it allowed me to use some of my creativity and also explore more of Adobe Illustrator.
I might be working on creating a video soon for the organization, which is closer to my comfort zone!

Until next time,



  1. I feel your pain with the language barrier. I am in Barcelona, and every day at work, I find myself having to slow down because either the buttons on the keyboard of the computer are not the exact same as my own computer, or simply because I have to translate a statement before I can go about finding a solution. I can only imagine what it is like to operate applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator when everything is in Spanish; however, it does sounds like you are managing. Good luck!

  2. It's nice that you're able to get a lot of feedback! This sounds like a really challenging internship, and it definitely makes sense that you have to go a bit slow. It's nice to set goals for yourself though, and hopefully you can achieve a faster speed in the upcoming weeks of your internship.
