Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 3 of DKNY internship

This week was definitely the most hands-on and jam packed week I have had so far. For the two weeks prior, there tended to be some downtime throughout the day, but this week has been anything but.
Starting out with unpacking samples of a new collection, I learned a ton about the design of each individual garment, trends they targeted, trends they avoided, materials that appear expensive but that are actually cheap, and the ins and outs of their international business. The line we unpacked is to be showcased for a team of buyers in China, the market this collection is aimed for. It was so interesting to see and hear about the differences between the clothing made for a foreign market, versus clothing made for the United States.
Each day this week was definitely more tiring than the next, however, it was a feeling of tiredness and accomplishment. In just a few days a small team of us completed a variety of tasks, and as a group, formulated different ideas to get them all done together. It was a lot of fun working with a group of people around my age and having a connection with coworkers, that I dont normally get to have.


  1. I'm glad that you've felt your work has been worthwhile this week! In which area of fashion are you hoping to pursue a career?

  2. This sounds like a great experience. I think the fact that you worked hard and are tired from your work prove that you are having a great internship experience. I look forward to reading more!

  3. This blog post was really interesting to read about because I too had a summer internship in the fashion industry. However, my internship was more magazine based instead of fashion based like yours.
