Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New Experiences- Week 2

    As the weeks continued the ten students in the program began shadowing different doctors and nurses within the ER to become familiar with where we would be working for the next year. Each time I went into the ER, it was always something new. I never knew what was going to come in or whether it was going to be a slow or busy day. After shadowing the nurses and doctors we also began to shadow students who had been in the program the previous year. This way we could see exactly what we would be doing during our time in the hospital.  I was able to see more of the research aspect that would be my main priority very shortly.

    However, one time during one of these training shifts, I was able to watch a trauma come in to the Emergency Room. When I arrived there were already many people waiting for the patient to arrive. One of the people present in the room was the head trauma surgeon, who also happened to be a woman. Trauma surgery is what I want to specialize in when I’m older and seeing a real trauma surgeon for the first time in their element was incredible. It was hard to believe that what she was doing is what I could be doing in my later future. The person I was following said that I might get the opportunity to talk to the surgeon at some point during the year. Talking to not only a trauma surgeon, but also specifically a female trauma surgeon would definitely be a great opportunity for me to ask her all the questions that I have. I really hope that the opportunity does arise at some point this year as  I know that she would be a great resource down the road. 


  1. This sounds so cool! I know nothing about the ER or trauma surgery outside on what I watch on Grey's Anatomy! This seems like an excellent opportunity to learn the ins and outs of a potential career. I wish I could have the opportunity to shadow. There's nothing like being there in the action, right?
    I too always wanted to sit down and chat with a female attorney in Biglaw (that's my dream career) so I can discuss things like discrepancies between men and women in large law firms and how to balance a career and a family.

  2. This sounds really awesome! I admire you for wanting to go into trauma (and be a doctor in general) because it's something that I could never do! You should definitely keep in touch with this doctor, because she could definitely give you great advice and tell you about how she got to where she has gotten to be!
