Saturday, June 14, 2014

First few weeks at Atlanta Magazine

            I have just finished my third week at Atlanta Magazine. It is my second internship this summer, as I will be spending 15 weeks here and 25 weeks at Scoutmob. Atlanta Magazine is a local magazine that reports on happenings in and around the Atlanta area. I am one of two interns working for the Events Marketing Coordinator; Randy is very nice and appreciative of my work, which makes interning for him much easier. He informed me that they cut a large portion of the marketing team during the recession, so he really values interns and our help.
            There are about 10 events that Atlanta Magazine puts on that I will be working on and attending this summer, so most of my work is focused around that.  The first event that I have worked on is the Grand Re-Opening of the very popular mall in Atlanta, which was just renovated. On my first day, I was instructed to flip through Atlanta Magazines from the 1970s/80s to find pictures of the mall during that time. They were then blown up for the event to show the mall over the past few decades. I also attended the event walk through with Randy, the marketing director at the mall and her assistant, as well as the caterer. The event was held in the luxury wing of the hotel, and was mostly a cocktail party with a few speakers. Although we did not have much to help with during the actual night, it was great to see the event come together. I also enjoyed spending time with some of the other employees and learning more about the office!

            I have also been working on the Top Doctors event, which is an event that the magazine holds every year to honor top 350 doctors in Atlanta every year. The event is this Thursday (June 19th), and it is a huge event, so I will be very busy this week! 


  1. Wow! This sounds like such a cool internship. It must be really interesting to see the actual events that you help plan come together. I am also one of two interns at the company I am working for. I like that because I don't have to feel alone but there is still plenty of work to keep me busy. What do you think about it? That is also awesome that you are doing two internships this summer!

  2. This sounds awesome! Like Carly said above, being able to see your work come to fruition and see where all of your effort is going is a really rewarding feeling. I am the only intern in my department (There are other interns in the company though) and it's great because I'm always busy and all of my work goes directly to my supervisor and I Get to see what she does with it from there which makes me feel like I really am helping. She keeps saying she would be swamped without me! The reassurance both from seeing your work in a tangible form (like your events) and the encouragement from your superiors makes it all worthwhile.

  3. Your internship sounds so interesting! It is so great to be able to work tirelessly on events and then be able to go there and partake in them. Its also very great that your boss is so appreciative of your work.

  4. I think its awesome that you can see how your hard work is paying off! I am interning at Make-A-Wish this summer and even though I work behind the scenes, I also get to see my work effecting people. It seems super cool too that you get to help out at many different sorts of events (its not your typical magazine job!).
