Saturday, June 28, 2014

Blog 3: Weekly Trainings

One of the most important philosophies in our office is to over communicate. So we meet Monday mornings to have office meets to make sure everyone is on the same page and then every Friday we have a training with all employees and interns, we even get catered lunch! Wohoo! The weekly trainings are my favorite part of my internship this year. I feel this is where I am learning the most about personal and business success. The CEO Dave Meltzer has written a book, Connected to Goodness. Most of the trainings  discuss the key principles from his book. The foundation to Dave's personal and professional success all begins with being happy and find out what makes you happy and as long as you do this then the goodness in life will find its way to you. I am really trying to commit and follow to some of the exercises he teaches us to gain a more positive outlook on life.

Things have been busy around the office this week with the excitement of the world cup games and the expansion of our project list.Yesterday our President Warren Moon had an interview with the NFL Network. My boss has even hired an other intern and I to have personal training sessions three times a week with his two daughters and their friends. Its more fun then it is actual work. We also have our office mascot Riley who keeps us all company through out the day. He is the sweetest dog but mostly he will only give you attention if you have food. Riley likes to greet all of our clients and beg for treats. I think he also helps to lower some peoples stress level when things get really hectic.


1 comment:

  1. Work sounds great! Its awesome that you guys meet twice a week. Communication is so important to a healthy work place. Another very important thing is stress relief, which it seems like you have handled with Riley. It is great that you guys have an office mascot and are able to hang with Riley when you need to cool down a bit.
