Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 2/3: Bonding with Colleagues

The environment in the video department at HollywoodLife couldn’t be better. Perhaps the reason for this is the layout, we all work side by side in an big open room where collaboration is highly encouraged. When you need to throw your headphones on and crank out a segment, you can, but it’s great knowing that reaching out for help or advice is only a tap on the shoulder away. This is extremely important because Final Cut Pro, the editing software most of us use, can be tricky, but we outsmart it together. There are three interns besides myself in the editing bay, and we’ve been getting to know each other at group meetings and lunch breaks. 

Gino, the video director, knows all the tricks we need to learn to go from making good and interesting work to professional quality work. Among other things, what we’ve found is that audio can be tricky when editing, but mastering it can change the entire feel of our projects even with seemingly small changes. Gino is a great mentor because he gives us the space to work freely and creatively but still gives us a direction so we are not totally lost. He encourages us to take risks and try new techniques to make the video projects exciting. Next, the environment moves quickly but feels relaxed. We joke around and keep things light while we work and the day seems to fly by. I feel like in the past week and a half we have all broken the ice and become friendly. Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. That's so nice that you've been able to bond with your co-workers! Having a good relationship with them must make projects so much easier being that you're able to feel comfortable asking for help or advice. It's also great that your boss is giving you just enough instruction to lead you in the right direction, while still allowing you to have the creative reign. You must be learning so much!
