Monday, June 23, 2014

4) Changing Perspectives

Having worked for this company in the past, I already had an overall understanding of most things. However, since I spent my last two summers in the New York gallery, I found that there were some differences in the Los Angeles gallery. One major difference in LA is that interns have their own personal email made for them, while in NY we all shared the same email. In addition, there are more free desks and computers for interns to sit at, allowing us more access and ability to complete tasks efficiently. Along with a few minute differences, most things such as library organization and overall management remain consistent throughout all locations. Perhaps the greatest difference is the more relaxed LA environment. Being in the art-packed area of Chelsea, the NY gallery received more foot-traffic and visitors. In LA however, it is a little quieter and therefore it is able to be open to the public during openings.


  1. Alexandra,

    I've been to NY, but never LA. I have heard, however, the differences in the cities that you mention here. People say that LA is much more laid back, whereas NY is always on the go. When it comes to work, which environment do you prefer? Is one better to work in than the other?

  2. It seems like you are understanding that there are ups and downs to every place you can work, even with the same company. This is something you might want to take into consideration one day when you start working full time!
