Thursday, June 19, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles

As I’ve been working at Editorialist for almost a month now, I feel very comfortable and well situated. I’ve grown a lot closer to the employees and established a great relationship both in and out of the office. After talking to my employer a bit yesterday, she told me that she is impressed with how hard I am working despite how tiresome the jobs have been. I had to run to Soho, Chelsea, Brooklyn and the Upper East Side all in one day to pick up pieces for a photo shoot we had this week. I came back to the office beyond exhausted and she noted that she was especially proud of how I kept going and continued to check in the items for the set list. In terms of what I can improve on, she mentioned that I should communicate better with her about jobs that I don’t find are helping me learn and understand how the company works. For example, I spent a few days last week building desks for the owners of the company. I didn’t say anything since I was nervous and felt out of place, but as this came up in conversation, she told me to be more vocal about how I’m feeling on a daily basis.
            I definitely surprised myself with my ability to accomplish so much in so little time. It was a hard challenge that I didn’t think I would be able to complete but I knew what was expected of me and rose to the occasion. With a photo shoot happening later in the week, running around NYC to pick up these items was not only important but also necessary. I learned how important it is to multi-task as well as manage your time efficiently. The hard work pays off in the end as I felt both accomplished and proud of myself. As the summer continues I know now that I am able to rise to the occasion and handle whatever is thrown at me.

1 comment:

  1. That's so nice your boss has given you the opportunity to voice which aspects of your work have been most worthwhile! It sounds like you've been doing a great job in carrying out tasks in an efficient and complete way!
