Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 2: Getting to Know My Colleagues

Moosejaw is a very laid back company that puts emphasis on humor –on its website, commercials, and other marketing campaigns. The headquarters in Madison Heights is no different. To be a part of the Moosejaw community requires a good sense of humor. My interview included some off the wall, funny questions. It continued on my first day, when my coworkers wanted to get to know me. I was asked to name my top five favorite movies, favorite color, hobby, dream job, ideal superpower, and other arbitrary “About Me” facts.

The people I’ve worked with so far at Moosejaw genuinely like each other. Some of them hang out with each other after the workday and on the weekends; it’s not rare to hear people swapping stories about the previous Saturday night (all work appropriate, of course). Admittedly, seeing my coworkers spend a significant amount of time in the office goofing around makes it a bit challenging for me to look at them as mentors. The Web Content Manager, who I am in most contact with, is probably the most mentor-like person I work with. He manages a good balance between work, being a father, and maintaining a social life. He’s organized, which I appreciate, and is one of the more focused employees at the Moosejaw headquarters.

Madison Heights is a long commute, so I work remotely part of the time, spending the other part of my time nannying for a family of five kids. This also makes it challenging for me to connect with my coworkers. But when I’m in the office, I make it count. I’ve spoke with some coworkers about my future plans, and admitted that I don’t know what I want to be “when I grow up.” The best advice I’ve gotten from multiple coworkers is to find something that I enjoy, and that I am good at, and keep working at it until it becomes a career. I’m learning that if there isn’t a job description out there that fits exactly what I want to do, nothing should stop me from making it myself.

Jim Carrey recently gave a commencement speech that corresponds with what Moosejaw is teaching me: “You can fail at what you don’t want, so why not take a chance at doing what you love.”


  1. This week I feel like i am getting to know my colleagues more than I have the last few weeks, my office is not as laid back but it sounds casual and relaxing -- might be better than strict and structured.

  2. This is my first week at my internship and it's been an interesting process learning more about my colleagues and employers. Although it's only been a few days, I feel that we are getting along quite well through our bonding events. I hope you are able to find more time to be with your co-workers. Also, I love that final line with Jim Carrey's quote.

  3. Hi Lauren,

    That's great that you're working at Moosejaw - I'm actually hoping to intern there next summer (fingers crossed!) It's nice to hear that they let you do a part-time commute. How often do you end up going to the headquarters?
    The office environment sounds fun, but I could definitely see how it's hard to view some your coworkers as mentors. My office has a similar environment - lots of young energy, outdoorsy people, and goofing off. This sometimes makes it hard to concentrate on work, but it's also a bit refreshing to see that people are enjoying their time at work instead of dreading it.
