Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week 1: Joining the Team

I got an internship at the in Edgewater, New Jersey. Tomorrow will be the last day of my first week and I am enjoying my time there very much.

The organization is a recently new start-up that began a little more than two years ago. Currently, the company is about to release a new application to connect cancer patients and their caretakers with the services they need. Our goal for this internship is to assess the application to see if there any alterations needed before the pilot prototype is sent to a hospital in New York City for trial runs.

As of now, I enjoy the friendly and casual environment of the internship. The internship is held in the office room of our employer's home so we are able to dress in casual attire each day. Also, since there home is located along the Hudson River, we have a beautiful view of the city skyline right outside our window.

In the first two days, most of the time involved learning about our fellow peers and the purpose behind the internship. We went to a restaurant called Rusty Kale's for lunch on the first day to get to know more about one another. It was an amazing experience sitting down and actually learning more about everyone outside the realm of the internship. Another day, we went down to the riverside during our lunch break as another bonding event.

Now we are beginning to be assigned projects to work on which is really exciting. I can't wait to begin and start diving into the work as soon as possible.

(The goals we created as a team that will guide us during the internship)


  1. Benjamin,
    This internship sounds really promising! It is great to hear that they recognize the importance of knowing your colleagues on a personal as well as academic level. And I hope that you are able to see the successful launching of the pilot prototype application. It sounds like a great opportunity with lots of potential! Best of luck!

  2. That application that can connect cancer patients to the services is such an innovative idea, and I'm sure it will make a huge difference once it's up and running! It's amazing that you get to be part of a project like this!

  3. this sounds amazing, and the atmosphere sounds great and full of encouraging coworkers.
