Saturday, June 14, 2014

Casting Call

This week at Screaming Flea was a little more eventful than my last, but still required a good amount of research. After another catch up meeting with the development team where each member spoke about what shows they have been developing and what the network was looking for, I helped research for another show that took up most of the day. After that, I acquired my first real assignment for the interns (there are three others). Tonight, we will be heading down to an area of Seattle known as Capitol Hill where we will be flyering for a show. This will help the casting team at SF obtain more applications for their show. I was also able to sit in on a casting meeting, which I found to be very interesting and beneficial for understanding the process in creating a show. Each member of the team spoke about who they were in contact with and how they could workshop each application to the want of the network. It was especially interesting to see how they reacted to the actions of the development team (the team I have spent most of my time with) and how they had to cater to what the network was looking for. It made me realize that perhaps pursuing casting was a plausible interest that I should consider. Next week I will again sit in on a development team meeting  and will possibly give examples of what I have researched! 


  1. It sounds like you had a really cool week at work, and that as time goes on you are beginning to learn about different viable options for jobs to pursue in the future. I am working at a casting agency this summer, and it is interesting to hear how casting works at a different company. It is pretty similar to what the agency I work for does. Casting requires a lot of communicating with different people and searching for people in real life, and it seems thats what goes on at any company. Hopefully you get to do more with the casting department because you seem to find it interesting!

  2. I'd love to know all the complex things involved in casting. There is probably TONS of research into what certain demographics are looking for -- everything from face, to voice, to age, to gender, etc. They probably also need to look for miscellaneous talents that someone has. Let us know what you find out!

  3. It's great that you're seeing all of the different aspects of the industry and can now widen your search for jobs when you graduate. My internship is in recruitment so I wonder if there are any similar practice between corporate recruiting and casting for shows because both require finding the perfect candidate!
