Friday, June 20, 2014

Third Week

As the third week comes to a close, I definitely am becoming more comfortable, busy, and knowledgeable.   I am also continuing to meet new, extremely hard-working people each day.  On Tuesday, all the interns (there are about 50 of us) were lucky enough to meet Kenneth himself.  Kenneth spoke to us about his business.  Stemming from how and why it started, both his failures and successes, his interest in philanthropy, and most importantly why he loves what he does.  I truly learned the intensity, diligence, and dedication that goes into a fashion business.  Kenneth inspired me to be heard, give input, and go above what is expected.  The third week has definitely been easier on me, for I am getting use to a day of work and waking up early to commute.  I am really excited for next week because another intern is starting and she is working with me in the retail marketing sector.  Together, there are many fun and interesting projects planned for the two of us that we will be presenting to the marketing team!  I am really happy with how I handled a specific project that my boss assigned me to do.  When I came back from completing the project my boss said that I was doing an amazing job and to keep up the good work.  He also said that I have been really helpful and he is so excited to have me.  This made me feel so good and shows that hard work does pay off.  He even told the CEO how well I was doing!  


  1. That sounds very cool and exciting that you were able to meet with Kenneth himself. For being such a big company, it is great that he is taking the time to meet with the interns, especially for how many there are! Can't wait to hear more about your summer at Kenneth and the new projects you will be doing with your co-intern. It will be good to have someone working with you who can give you constructive advice if needed!

  2. That is so exciting that you along with the rest of the interns got to meet Kenneth. It is great that he was able to take the time and speak with you about his interests in business, but also in other settings. It is great to hear words of encouragement from your boss, and congratulations on doing so well!
