Thursday, June 26, 2014

Initial Impression: U.S. Attorney's Office

When I first arrived at the building I'd be interning at this summer, I though it looked very professional and just downright nice.  When I entered the elevator, however, it was evident the this nice looking building in which the U.S. Attorney's Office occupied the top three floors was extremely secure.  One could not go past the third floor without a pass to be scanned in the elevator.  I understood right away that security and confidentiality would dominate my soon-to-be workplace environment.

Logo for USAOGAS
 As far as office politics, everyone seemed very welcoming.  Even though, I am a young intern, I feel like I'll be able to openly talk with everyone as if I'm talking with my friends at college, except the U.S. Attorney, who I can't help but respect like a professor.   Since the office is...well an office, everyone is required to dress in business casual.  No one really told me the exact definition of business casual in this particular office was, but I know jeans and flip flops would be highly frowned upon.  The floor where I am have more women than men.  As far as the rest of the interns, the men outnumber the women.   I wonder how that happened...Anyways, the U.S. Attorney's Office is an extremely accommodating place in terms of diversity, welcoming people of any race and sexual orientation.  They even encouraged the interns to sit through the webinar that discussed how the federal government intends to give all their same sex married couples the same benefits as heterosexual married couples to set an example for America.  Overall, the office's atmosphere seems pretty daunting at first.  It seems like it demands a professional demeanor at all times, but otherwise seems very opening and welcoming. 

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