Saturday, June 28, 2014

2nd to Last Week (This time for real)

Since I was able to extend my internship, my 2nd to last week turned out to be this past one. It was a lot more productive, and a lot more exciting. As I have been spending time with the development team for the majority of my internship, I had the awesome opportunity to start writing a treatment for a show. A treatment is basically a detailed summary of what a pitched (proposed) show will be about and what kind of format it will follow. Formats include competition, makeover, investigation, ect. One way that a lot of shows get off the ground is by basically following the format of one show but with different people, goals, or themes. A lot of different cooking shows have made it on your television screens following this method, and even more fashion shows have done the same thing.

Writing the treatment was demanding, but it was great as I finally was able to exercise my own creative decisions and talk with one of the employees in development about the direction the show could go and how it should be best portrayed in the treatment. I learned that the most important thing is (this is not gonna be a shocker) to keep the audience interested and avoid big scary words or science. Even in the treatment (which the networks would be reading) I learned that I had to rely on well written and succinct paragraphs of what we wanted the show to be and what we thought would have the biggest “wow” factor. Now the treatment is done, and will most likely get sent to a network. Fingers Crossed it gets greenlit! 


  1. That's great that you were able to have this incredible opportunity! The fact that the company trusts you enough to write the treatment that will be sent to the networks is a very impressive feat. Hopefully it does get greenlit and then you will be able to feel as though you helped propel it there.

  2. That's amazing that you're writing a treatment! Whether or not it gets the green light (and hopefully it will), that's such a cool experience to have had. It's definitely a good thing that you extended your internship. Good luck on your last week!

  3. That's great that you're writing a treatment. Also, the fact that you wanted to extend your internship shows your commitment to the team and how much you enjoyed the experience. Enjoy it while it lasts!
