Sunday, June 15, 2014

week 1

Its my first day and the only aspect I am certain of is the uncertainty looming in my mind. I had no idea what I was to be doing on my first day, what to bring, or where anything was. All I knew was to be at my Professors office at 9 am, bright and early. Everyone at the office was extremely friendly, but my professor's department was scattered amongst the floors. She guided me through most of the day, but she was extremely busy thus whenever I did not know what to do I felt bad bothering her. Finally I went into her office, and she told me what she needed me to do, but her main point of advice was BE PROACTIVE. She simply stated that everyone in this office is friendly and if you want the most from the internship being proactive is your best bet.
Once I was settled I was given a list of all the expectations of this workplace. Most of it was pretty explanatory about respect and how to behave. However when I read that I had to be business casual everyday except Friday I was shocked. I was hoping since I would be in the hospital that I would get to wear scrubs, but I guess not.
After I had gotten a new wardrobe my next day was a seminar day where professors from around the country would come and give a lecture. I was excited as this was an interesting topic about social network analysis is research methods. However the seminar was very basic and I did not find it very helpful. It seemed analogous to the filler lecture professors use when they have no more material to teach. Another aspect may be that I was possibly the only person under 30 in the room. This made me feel uncomfortable as everyone was much more intelligent and sophisticated. I am beginning to grasp the way I talk, sit, and act will make a big difference in how I am viewed by colleagues as I am in a more mature and older workspace.

As you can see here everyone is much older hence why I decide to stick to the back corner. 

1 comment:

  1. Being an intern and asking questions is always nerve-racking, but keep asking questions--its the only way to learn!! It gets easier!
