Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 4

As I finish up my 4th week in my internship program, I look back and reflect on my experience as I almost reach the halfway mark. For me, the most valuable aspect so far has been my ability to understand the company and future career opportunities. I spend much of my time meeting with employees and learning about different aspects of the business. Working in a financial institution I have learnt about credit, the lending side of banking, the buying side, interest rates, terms, and other aspects. One thing that sets apart this company from my previous internships is the emphasis placed on the company culture and values. Everyone is willing to help, and looks out for each other. At the same time intelligence is highly stressed as well as a good work ethic. I hope to take the lessons I learn from my internship and apply them to future experiences both professionally and socially. This week, I travelled out of the office to meet executives, sat in on meetings, and worked on Excel and PowerPoint presentations have also become closer with many team members and look forward to growing those relationships as time moves on. I have been using LinkedIn to expand my network as well as business lunches.

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