Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 5 - Counting

Another great week of work. This past week was a very good one. I now walk in to the office each morning and finally feel part of the team. I know everyone’s name and they all know mine. My boss is a huge soccer fan who played in college and also played professional, so the world cup has been a big deal in the office. The company is also a European Company, and most of the other employees are from Europe and love soccer as well. It has been great being able to take periodic breaks from my work and watch the World Cup with the other employees. As I do enjoy most of the office work I have, I really enjoy going out into the city and doing field work.

On Thursday, I was asked to go down to SoHo to check out a spot for one of our brands. There is already a store in place there, but the location does not seem right for them so they are not renewing their lease. I was told to go over there for 30 minutes to an hour and scope out the location. I was told to count the number of foot traffic in the area and note which ones were big groups and families or which ones were lone walkers. I had to count the amount of people that walked in and out of the store and compare it with the numbers of people who simply walked by. I had to see if the numbers matched up well. I knew that our brand we are considering attracts somewhat of a similar crowd as the store currently there so I had to get a feel for the type of shoppers that walked by.

I then summarized all of this data into an email for my boss. It is great that he trusts me to go out into the field and do research that actually will have an effect on his decision of whether or not to move into the location.

1 comment:

  1. The field work you did seems really awesome and it's great that your boss feels comfortable enough to give you a responsibility that will have such an impact on the company. You seem to be fostering good relationships with the people that you're working with which is great! Not only does it make the work days go by faster and in a more enjoyable way, but it's good networking for the future as well. Looking forward to hearing more about your internship!

    -Carly Margolin
