Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting to know my co-workers!

My experience at Marie Claire so far has been very exciting. I already feel like
I have learned a ton and gotten to know so many new people. I work with two other interns and a team of sales representatives who are all extremely friendly and super nice. One of our supervisors was previously an intern at Marie Claire and can truly relate to our experiences here. Without her and the other two interns, I would be completely lost. Because this is each of our first summers as sales interns, we are all getting to know the ins and outs of the publishing industry together. We can discuss and hash out the projects that we are unfamiliar with. There are often words and phrases mentioned around the office that we have never heard and do not understand the significance of. Together, we can figure everything out and tackle any obstacle that is given to us.

Although at first the work environment was slightly intimidating, it quickly became familiar and comfortable. Everyone at Marie Claire and in the Hearst Tower in general was extremely warm and friendly. I quickly felt comfortable asking any employee a question. Everyone in the office treats us with respect and truly values our pressence. They have given us countless opportunities to sit in on meetings and see everything that goes on behind the scenes. It is pretty incredible to be able to understand what goes into the making and collaboration of a magazine! I look forward to learning much more as the summer goes on.

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