Thursday, June 12, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles

My boss stops over at the “intern island” (the giant table where me and the other interns sit and do our work) about once a day to check in and see how we’re doing. The work I’ve been doing can be very tedious and he told me he’s impressed by my hard-work; I’m supposed to be entering about 20-30 new restaurants into their database a day, but have been doing around 75 a day, which really showed my boss how dedicated I am to doing well.  It’s almost the midpoint of my internship and my boss gave me very positive feedback about my work so far, which was nice and encouraging to hear!

Recently, my boss approached me and two other interns about a research project for the head of ad sales. We were excited for the project because it was a chance to get more involved in the company and take more responsibility. But we quickly found how challenging it was to find what we were looking for because most companies we approached would only aid us for an exorbitant amount of money. After speaking with the head of ad sales to tell him the trouble we were having, we tried a different strategy and were met with a bit more of success. 

"Intern Island"
We’ve also begun to do research into potential partnerships for Shiftgig to partake in that will boost business. We’re looking for local sites to team up with to take advantage of the local presence to reach a substantial amount of businesses. Both of these tasks made me realize how many different aspects go into the whole of marketing and work together to garner more business. Although I found it challenging to find research and partnerships that met the criteria we were searching for, I learned that thinking outside the box and collaborating with others is helpful because it allows you to tackle the project with an open mind and fresher perspective.


  1. Hi Carly,

    That's really awesome that your boss gave you a research project that sounds a little less tedious (but maybe more frustrating) than entering restaurants into a database. It shows that your boss sees you and the other interns as reliable and capable, which is always reassuring. I'm curious as to what your strategy was? I feel like often in the business world, things don't always go as planned and it's great that you were able to problem-solve successfully. Hopefully your search for partnerships goes a little more easily in the future!

  2. Finding connections is always an interesting task with any business or organization in general. For me, I usually like to look at local businesses and see how they can work well with your own organization/business. Regardless, it sounds like you're doing a lot of work especially with your database work! Congrats!

  3. Carly,
    That sounds great! Congratulations on being chosen for that special project. It sounds like you are working extremely hard and diligently. It is so great that you have begun to thing outside the box. Doing so will definitely help you to solve more problems in the future. Keep up the good work!
