Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 1

My first week at Barr-Harris Children’s Grieving Center was not exactly what I expected. I am the only intern there, and therefore am by far one of the youngest workers in the office. I didn’t mind this too much, but there were times where I wished I had someone to discuss with or to work with!
The first day I wanted to make sure I blended in, so I dressed professionally and I expected to encounter people doing the same. To my surprise, the dress code at this office was not as professional as I expected. In fact, people were wearing jeans and sweatshirts and gym shoes! I still dress professionally though. I’d feel uncomfortable coming to work in less respectable clothing!
I don’t have my own cubicle. In fact, I sit at a table inside my boss’s large office. This will definitely keep me focused! This was nice though because it initially made me feel comfortable around my boss, and I knew she wanted me to have a good experience because she was often checking in with me to see how my work was going. I work very closely with her, but not many others in the office. I have done some research for other staff members, but our interaction is mainly done through email. I’m interested to see if this will change or not over the course of my internship.

I’m looking forward to participating in the numerous projects that have here in my upcoming weeks!

My internship is inside the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, which is so awesome! I am surrounded by a psychologists not only involved in Barr-Harris, but in other practices as well. 


  1. Hi Tara,

    Wow it must be interesting being the only intern there! Do they give you a lot of work because of it?

    Also, a lot of people seem to be having the same first day experience of being over dressed - I had it to!

  2. I hope you are able to have more opportunities to interact with your co-workers. I find this interaction as an important part of the experience for an internship. It makes the internship a more fun and educational experience.
