Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 2: Bonding with Colleagues

After a successful first week at Main Line Health, my supervisor Julie told me that every year the Director of Recruitment plans a department wide "day of fun" to boost morale and bonding and that I was invited because this year's was coming up next week. Years previous they did mural tours of Philadelphia, cooking classes, and other fun day activities. This year, we would be going to "Painting with a Twist," an increasingly popular venue for Bachelorette and birthday parties. At "Painting with a Twist," you can sign up for classes or sign up as a group party to be instructed through a painting, while having a few drinks and laughs with friends. Considering we were coming from work, we did the painting without the alcoholic twist. Considering I had not met all of my colleagues during my first week, and that I have zero artistic ability, I was nervous to say the least.

When I got there, Julie and my other colleague Megan greeted me and introduced me to the rest of the office. It was a great opportunity for me to meet the recruiters who are not always in the office because they're often out recruiting. Everyone was excited to meet me and enthusiastic about getting to know me. This wouldn't be so bad I thought! The instructor at "Painting With a Twist" lead us through our beach paintings step by step and everyone was laughing with, and at each other at how horribly our paintings were turning out. It really was a good bonding activity! As I got through each step of the painting it started coming together, and as the day went on I got to know everyone a little better. Below is my finished product now sitting by my kitchen table at home (not bad if I do say so myself).

After "Painting with a Twist" we went to lunch. I sat next to the Director of Recruitment, Jean, and this was the first extended period of time I spent with her. In a more casual setting I was able to really get to know her and she didn't seem so intimidating anymore. I also think she was impressed with my decision to sit next to her, the boss, out of everyone I could have sat next to. All in all, the day was a great way to break up the work week and really did boost the staff's morale. Additionally, I already  know how well they can work together professionally, but this showed me how some of their relationships extend outside of the office because many of them were discussing their families, children, and personal lives. I thought the day was a great idea, and a great practice for any company.

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