Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 1 at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show!

            This week I began my internship for Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, a radio program that airs throughout the nation on various hit music stations weekdays from 6am-10am. Prior to my first day, I had been to the office twice; once for my interview and once for an orientation. The first time I walked in, I was extremely intimidated by the ambiance of the office. Everything from the technology to the furniture is modern, which gives the environment a powerful feeling. The walls are decorated only by photographs and signed paraphernalia by the famous artists and celebrities that make frequent appearances in the office.

            Upon meeting the producer of the show, the person who interviewed me, my nerves were immediately settled. He made it obvious that the nature of the office was very light-hearted and upbeat. Every person he introduced me to was very friendly and seemed to have a great sense of humor. They all seemed genuinely happy to be there, though still able to focus on their work. During my orientation it was explained that they encourage us to interact and have fun with one another, so long as it does not interfere with meeting our deadlines and accomplishing our assigned tasks.
            In an e-mail sent out to all of the interns prior to orientation we were advised to dress casually. I cautiously wore a summer dress and a blazer, which they said was fine but even a little overdressed. I assume the relaxed dress code is intended to maintain the fun environment.
            There are a few categories in which the interns fall into: general morning show, audio, web, PR, and video editing. I fall into the audio division. I am working with 2 other interns, both of whom have interned there during prior semesters. At first I was concerned that I would be expected to perform up to the high standards they have set, but both of them were very patient and made it their responsibility to teach me what I need to know!
            I am really excited to continue this internship. Though the work is challenging, I am confident that I will learn a lot and have a ton of fun.


  1. Wow, I cannot believe you are working there! That is an amazing experience and seems so much fun (and will definitely look great on your resume of course). I would love to work in that field or somewhere related to that....Definitely something I will keep in mind for the future. It sounds great!

  2. Congratulations! This seems like a wonderful opportunity and great exposure to this industry. Looks like you are having a lot of fun and you are already learning lots of new skills that will be beneficial in your future career. I am also working with other interns and interacting with other employees. Keep up the hard work!
