Friday, June 20, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles

As a Make-A-Wish In-Kind intern I have faced many different challenges. As an In-Kind intern I call different companies to ask them to donate or discount products/services; this really is not as easy as it seems. Many people just say no, which I completely understand. Sometimes the number that you have dialed is out of service. But there are times when people are completely willing to help; these are the good days.

My job is a waiting game. I am continually waiting to be called back or waiting to get off hold. I have this continual project where I have to ask Target stores for donations. The other day I was on the phone with someone at Target because I wanted to let them know that we had found a volunteer who was willing to pick up a gift card. The original representative that I talked to put me on hold so that she could transfer me to the correct HR person. Once I was transferred, I was put on hold again. But the thing is, when you are put on hold for over 2 minutes at Target, the system sends you back to the original person who picked up the phone. All in all I was on the phone for over 15 minutes just on hold. Thankfully I was able to sort out the situation that I had called about. In situations like this I want to give in, but I know that the outcome will really help some child in the future.

Last Saturday I was at the MIS in Brooklyn, MI for a Make-A-Wish fundraising event. We were raffling off a corvette. I had volunteered for this job and was able to bring a friend with me which made the drive much more bearable. When we got there, I thought that we would get some training on exactly how to speak with people and how to get them to buy tickets. The process was much less formal. We just waited for people to approach us, which I was ok with. We did not do too badly with sales and I even got to meet a wish recipient. He had had his wish granted 8 years ago and is doing much better now! When I met him, it made me know that what I am doing will change peoples lives. That it will give people hope. Even though some days are hard, other people have things way harder.  


  1. Olivia,
    Sounds like you're doing a great job persevering through some tedious tasks! It's really impressive that you are able to keep the bigger picture in mind. Stay patient and I'm sure that you will get plenty of good days! :)

  2. Hi Olivia,

    Your job seems great - it seems like your really doing a lot. Sometimes I have to make calls too and its definitely not easy, especially when the person on the other line asks you things that you are not sure how to answer.

    By the way, I think its amazing that you are working for the Make-a-wish foundation! It's such a great foundation and it is wonderful that you are able to be a part of it!
