Thursday, June 19, 2014

Post 2: Intern Bonding

This past week has been filled with a lot of intern bonding activities at Cardinal Health.  There are over 100 interns here this summer throughout the variety of specializations.  One of the days the interns got to "skip" work for the morning and go to a ropes course called Summit Vision.  This facility had a variety of ropes courses that were meant to challenge your and get you outside of your comfort zone.  It was a great way to also meet other interns and make connections outside of the office.  I had the opportunity to climb up a 30 foot pole, stand on top, and then jump to a hanging trampeeze 10 feet away.  It was scary needless to say but was a great way to challenge myself.
We also had the opportunity to attend a Welcome Dinner that was hosted by the CEO of Cardinal.  Each intern was allowed to bring their manager and it was a great way to meet other managers as well as executives throughout the company.  The field interns from outside of Ohio also were flown in for the evening, some even came from as far as Puerto Rico! It was especially fun because at the end of the night when most everyone left the CEO showed off his guitar skills.  Overall it was a great experience and a nice way to get to know other interns better.  

Sitting with our managers at the Welcome Dinner
Some of the interns with the CEO George Barrett

A group of interns at the Summit Vision ropes course


  1. Hi Emily,

    That is so cool that you were able to participate in fun activities with other interns! Also, it is crazy how many interns are a part of your company... Mine only has 7!!! For the first time last night I was able to hang out with the other interns - we all got dinner together after work. Our company didn't organize a time for all of us to get to know each other so we decided to organize a dinner by ourselves.

    P.S I love ropes courses! Yours looks so much fun! Seems like you had a great time

  2. That sounds like a great experience. It is so important to network with other company employees to have a broader view of the company as a whole. I'm sure the activities were really fun!
