Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 2 at OXO

My second week at OXO has certainly been a lot more independent. I still go to my boss with a lot of questions, but I now know a lot about the way the software works and am really getting hands on experience in PR. We have now used different software in order to find media clips featuring our products, and now I have started to research different editors of magazines that I can reach out to, using programs like Cision. Today was interesting, specifically because I have started to take a look at the newer line of products, and to create documents featuring these to send to the editors. But this time, instead of just hyperlinking clips, I got to add different points that show why the specific product is effective. Also, I was given the task to edit writing that had already been done by actual people at the company, which gave me a sense of empowerment as well as a chance to use the writing skills that I desired to improve through this job. Also, every Wednesday me and the other interns are given an information session on a different department of the company, whether it is product design, marketing, or engineering. It was interesting to see what the other people at the company get to do, since I really only see the business/communications side of a very large home product company. Each day is a learning experience for me.


  1. Sari,
    This internship sounds like it is going well! It's great that you are able to show your boss that you are responsible and independent. Great work! Keep it up! :)

  2. Your internship sounds great! I definitely can agree that the second week I felt a lot more on my own!

  3. I am too starting to feel independent in my internship! Good luck!!

  4. My second week is also a lot more independent! Sounds like you're really having a great time and getting a lot out of it!
