Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 2 at Nike Communications

Yesterday was a great day! I was able to go to my first event which was in the Hamptons for our client Hugo Boss. My team, which is the grooming team, rented out a Hampton house for the day for a Hugo Boss Fragrance event. In order to prepare for the event, my supervisor and I took a 2 hour car ride down to the Hamptons in order to set up – I thought it would be a little awkward in the car but it was actually really fun and we have so much in common! After setting up, everyone arrived in a sea plane that landed in the backyard of the house. It was awesome! In the plane were some of my supervisors, along with editors from various magazines. Although I wasn’t really allowed in the dining room with everyone, I was still able to be a part of the event and hear all of the speeches that were made. I didn’t get home from the event until midnight… Working 15 hours in one day is something I am definitely not used to (especially for an unpaid internship).

Aside from the event being an extremely awesome experience, I really enjoyed getting to know my colleagues better. I feel that it was great to be in a non-work environment in order to really connect with the people I work with in a stress free environment. 

Below are some pictures I took from the event! Enjoy! 


  1. I had a similar experience riding to an event with my new co-workers, and I was happy that it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. The pictures of your Hamptons event look amazing!

  2. Thats great that you were able to gain common ground with your supervisor and get to know them better. That will definitely make those 15 hour unpaid shift better. The Hamptons look beautiful! I wish my internship involved oceanside events!

  3. I've done an internship for Nike before as well! Great company to work for! Hope you learn a lot.

  4. I have sort of a similar experience in the sense that you do a lot of work for the event or dinner and then you can't be apart of it. But I try to use that as motivation to work harder so I can get to the top! The Hamptons look beautiful!!
