Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week 4 at UrbanBound: Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives at UrbanBound

This was one of my best weeks at UrbanBound. If you read my last blog, you would have seen that I received an email over the weekend about double checking my spelling errors before I publish tweets on their account. Therefore, I was kind of scared when I entered the office this week. I felt like I had a lot more to prove to make up for my mistake... but I quickly realized I was being silly and that my supervisors didn't even remember it. They definitely had more important things to focus on. This week, I wrote another blog (, created a slide share (which is like a powerpoint) for the campaign to advertising my upcoming eBook on the differences between Millennials and Baby-boomers in the office, learned a little bit about coding in regards to the UrbanBound website, and composed tweets and posts for UrbanBounds social media accounts. I am really excited to create a portfolio at the end of the summer of all of the blogs, eBooks, and campaigns, I wrote at UrbanBound.

This week at UrbanBound, I gained a new perspective about working at a startup. While I quickly fell in love with how relaxed start-up life is during my first week, I now understand how hard it can be at the same time. Sure, it is awesome that everyone at the company is super young, they have a bar in the back, and that the whole office left for a few hours today to watch the World Cup together at a pub, but they have to worry about a lot of things that larger corporations don't. I learned about this while reading one of the blog posts that my supervisor wrote ( Startups have to worry about lack of funding, getting their name out there, and really proving their value and why their product is not only cool, but necessary. 90% of startups fail, but I have a gut feeling that UrbanBound will fall in the other 10%!


  1. Jordan,
    It's great to hear that you are so happy at UrbanBound. Definitely focus on the larger picture. I'm sure that you are learning a lot and are making great contributions to the startup. You will continue to impress the people you work with and who knows, maybe you'll have a job offer once you get out of school? Always great to maintain strong connections! Best of luck moving forward!

  2. I completely know how you feel when you make a little mistake and think it's going to be the biggest deal. Being corrected by your boss is awkward and makes you feel terrible but you're so right - in the end they don't even care or remember! I'm glad you learned that as I did too.
