Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Changing Perspectives at OXO

This is now my fourth week at OXO, and sine I have started working here, I feel as though a lot has changed about the way I view myself and the other employees. First of all, I have noticed that I have become a lot more independent here. I find myself asking fewer questions, and my boss explaining less to me and just giving me tasks, assuming I will be able to get it done on my own. This makes me feel both excited and nervous at the same time. I am glad that I have proved myself to a point where my boss seems to trust me, but I am nervous that if I mess up, I will have to take more of the blame since it was not necessarily something my boss explained to me how to do. I have been noticing a lot of tings about the culture at OXO. Everyone overall, seems to be really relaxed here and comfortable with one another. I am past the point of having to really introduce myself to people, so at lunch when I go to sit in the big kitchen, I feel comfortable enough to just sit down next to anybody and start up a conversation. It is also a good chance for me to really be able to get insight on what other people do here. After all, as a PR intern I am just a small portion of a very large company. I didn't really have many preconceived notions walking into this job, being that I did not know much about what my position would entail, let alone the company itself. Now though, I am learning that I am a fast learner, and that people in the work place are a lot more willing to help me out when I need it. But besides that, I am happy to say I have gained a lot of knowledge regarding PR in such a short period of time.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I've also been working at my company for 4 weeks now I also feel so much more comfortable and independent. Its great that you feel so comfortable and your boss is giving more tasks and opportunities without needing to explain them to you. It's amazing that you're able to sit down with anyone and strike up a conversation! It seems like you've really found your place!
