Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Getting to know your colleagues: even during the second month at OXO

Though I have been around for a while now, OXO really is a big company. It has over 90 employees so I guess you could say I am a tiny fish in a very large sea. The thing I like about the company though, is that they do have their own kind of formal mentoring for the interns. Although I am given a lot of responsibility, I am still given a lot of tips and guidance when it comes to using many of the different PR tools, as well as learning how to write to the editors (which is very different than writing a school paper). Also, the internship program is very informative. Once to twice a week, all of the interns (who are all from different departments) sit through these intern training sessions. We are not actually trained…the name is misleading. However, these information sessions are run by someone from one of the teams, whether it is engineering, brand comm, sales, etc. So it is basically a good chance for us interns to learn about what the other people working at OXO are doing. After all, I am the PR intern so I never get to really interact with any of the engineers or people working on product development. It is very interesting and I look forward to it every week. As for mentors, my boss has been a tremendous help to me. It is really nice to sit right next to her, because I can get all the help I need. Yes, I am doing a lot by myself, but the thing about PR is that it's a lot of team effort. We'll work on things together. I will write something and she will check over it and help guide me. Actually, today I got to help her and proof read her work, which really flattered me that she trusted me with the responsibility. By most of the time, she really looks out for me. She also told me that I should take the work I have done and save myself copies so I have a portfolio of work I have done when I apply for future jobs and internships. I really appreciate her going out of her way to give me these tips--it seems like she really wants me to succeed. When I asked my colleagues what I would have to do if I wanted to follow in their foot steps, I was basically given the same advice from everyone. They all pretty much told me that I have to continue to try and get great internships, always come in with a good attitude and work hard. I was also told that I have to dress for success, because when people look at a working person, they want to look at a professional (I guess you think those little things don't matter but they really do). I really look up to a lot of the people I work with and am still, during my second month, feeling very fortunate to have this opportunity.


  1. I also have a formal mentor for the PR company I am working at and every wednesday we have "CVM University," which sounds very similar to your training sessions. It sounds like our internships are very similar, which is very interesting because you're working at a large company while mine is very small.

  2. Your intern "training" sessions seem like a really great way to meet the other interns and find out what's going on in the rest of the company. It's easy to stay focused on only your responsibilities in your specific department so it's great that you're getting the chance to learn what's going on with the other teams because you do all work for the same company, although different aspects of that company. And it's also great that you and your boss have a positive working relationship! Best of luck as your internship continues!

    -Carly Margolin
