Monday, July 7, 2014

Half-Way Point

   As each week goes by each one of us are starting to become more and more independent during our shifts. But with the independence comes along more questions. There were many times when I would be in the ER alone and I would have to try and figure out my questions on my own. Either asking the people around me or waiting till a quieter time to go over to the office in order to ask one of my supervisors.
   A four-hour shift can be very long sometimes, especially during the early morning hours when the ER hasn’t filled up yet. Especially because our research is very specific; there are many occasions where I just can’t do any of the main research projects. At these times I often find myself having to look for more tasks that I could possibly do in order to stay busy during the whole shift. I like to ask my supervisors if I can help them with anything or if they too have nothing for me to do I then go to the residents and doctors to see what’s going on with the patients.

   Along with trying to keep busy during our shifts and still figuring out all the little details we are all having to learn how to work together and communicate with each other in order to make sure all the shifts are filled even when people may be out of town for extended periods of time. In my eyes, it seems to all be going smoothly and all ten of us are all getting along with one another quite well.


  1. I feel that the independance is a result of spending more time at the internship and feeling more comfortable. As I progress with work at my office, I also feel that I am becoming more independant.

  2. That's so fantastic that you all get along so well! I know what you mean about independence though. Sometimes I feel as though I've been given too much. I'm running my research project entirely on my own and (somehow) have become in charge of our two high school interns and am essentially their supervisor. I never expected to get to that point as an undergrad, and finding work for them and for me is actually pretty difficult!

  3. Sounds like a very community-like office, i definitely agree that with time independence and understanding others develops!

  4. I know what you mean by having to try to figure out some questions on your own but it seems like you are handling this very well. It seems like you have learned a lot through practicing this independence.
