Sunday, July 6, 2014

Second Half: Changing Perspectives

Hi Everyone! Since my last blog post a lot has happened at Zan Casting. Firstly, I got to experience a casting totally different than I have experienced before. This past week we cast for an Aprica Stroller advertisement. For this advertisement, we were searching for Caucasian and Asian 25-35 year old women along with Asian babies under 6 months old. It took two days and a lot of effort. I was the only intern in the office on these two days, meaning I had a lot of responsibilities to balance at once. Over 100 women and babies came into the office for the casting. It was very exciting to get to interact with the women and their babies, but also extremely overwhelming. I was in charge of keeping the people organized, while simultaneously uploading the pictures taken of the candidates and creating Photoshop layouts of the people to be sent to the client. My boss told me she was impressed with my ability to handle so many people and tasks all at once, and she told me I was very capable of communicating with the people and being professional. This was just one situation recently that I felt the company has faith in my organization and people skills.

Throughout the past few weeks, my perspective of the environment has changed compared to my initial perspective. I realized the office really appreciates what I do and cares about having me do tasks that are worthwhile and not just useless tasks everyone thinks of internships as. I really help to make a casting go smoothly and get our work to clients as fast as possible. The environment is very laid back at Zan Casting, which is definitely more comfortable than a corporate office space. This has helped me have confidence to ask questions about jobs we are doing and I am more comfortable speaking up and offering to help on projects. I overall feel a lot more comfortable than I did initially because the people at the office have told me how much they trust my abilities to take on more difficult tasks than I originally thought I would ever do.

Here is a previous advertisement on the Aprica website that will be similar to the one Zan Casting cast for. 


  1. It's really cool seeing how your perspective towards your internship has changed throughout the course of the summer. Being given more responsibility is always a good feeling because it shows how the company believes in your ability to succeed and do well, and it also gives you an opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience! Good luck!

    -Carly Margolin

  2. On Fridays I'm one of only two interns in the office (sometimes it's just me) so I totally understand what it's like to have multiple responsibilities that you need to balance at once. It's amazing that your boss was able to recognize all your hard work especially during such busy days. I actually interned at Zan Ludlum Casting last summer so I know better than anyone the time, patience, and organizational skills you need when making hundreds of photoshop layouts, especially for such a new and demographic-specific casting. Keep up the good work! I love reading your blog because trust me I've been there :)

  3. I think it is really great that you were given such a big responsibility and not only learned a lot, but showed your boss how capable you are of successfully completing tasks. Since I work with 13 other interns, we usually do things as a group so it’s harder to impress our employees individually but I do what I can. From my own experience over the last few weeks, it is so important to feel comfortable where you work. I was so nervous in the beginning and didn't ask many questions but since I have worked here for over a month now and have gotten to know many of the employees, I feel a lot more comfortable and not afraid to speak up. Keep up the good work!

  4. That sounds really overwhelming but also like a lot of fun! That's great that you were able to prove your multitasking capabilites and that your co-workers are trusting you with such meaningful tasks. It sounds like you're playing an integral part in the casting process, which is really exciting!
