Sunday, July 6, 2014

Week 6: Over & Out

After 6 weeks of living the city life in NYC, I am back in the mitten!
Overall, I think this experience was wonderful. I learned a lot about myself and about the world of fashion PR. I realized that I am the type of person who needs to be in a creative environment, working alongside others to create something meaningful. Sitting at a computer all day is not for me. I enjoyed the PR events themselves, but the 9-5 office life drained the life out of me very quickly. 

So now I am left wondering what I should do with my life. While I was there, my brother-in-law gave me some great advice: It doesn't matter how smart you are or how hard you work, you will never be better than someone who is passionate & loves what they are doing. So in my life those things would be singing, writing, reading, being creative, songwriting, or talking about Jesus. So I don't really know how that all winds into a career. Hopefully my career path will soon find some direction. After this internship experience, I am feeling pretty confident that I do not want a job in fashion PR. As fun as it was, I don't think i would feel good about coming home everyday knowing that the product of my chosen life-profession is elevating a brand. I want to help people or create something. 

But I am so thankful for this opportunity. I feel more independent knowing that I can commute into Manhattan everyday, manage my money, and find my way around the busiest city. I feel very proud of myself for even going, when I had so many fears about spending my summer away from home. Overall, this was a great experience and I was delighted to find so many enchanting surprises waiting for me outside of my comfort zone. 


  1. Gabe,
    Congratulations on successfully finishing your internship! I'm glad that you have developed a better understanding of what you want to do with your future. It sounds like though PR isn't right for you, it was still a very meaningful experience. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. Congrats on finishing!
    Thats really great to hear that you learned so much about yourself, especially what you didn't like. These things are so important to learn now so you can really find what you truly want to do when you get out of school. You will remember this experience for a long time and it will only benefit you in the long run!

  3. I completely understand the drain of 9-5 office life. I get to go to a lot of amazing events that I'm about (country music events, haha) but then I have to go back to the office afterwards. I guess that's the trade-off. We have to do boring things in exchange for the things we're passionate about. Sounds like you had a lot of great self-discovery throughout your internship experience. Congrats!

  4. Your brother-in-law has some good advice! I think that statement basically sums up school at this point. We're all smart and know what good grades are, but we have to find something that we absolutely love doing. Experiences like this are necessary to learn about yourself and your future. Congratulations on stepping outside of the box... and navigating through Manhattan - that alone sounds like a challenge!
