Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 7 At HollywoodLife


Today is the start of my 7th week at! I only have this week and next week left for my internship. Ending my internship is a bitter sweet feeling because I can't wait to sleep in late and not commute to the city but I also have gotten great experience from working here. I really love my internship and working here has allowed me to see what I really want to pursue career-wise after college and where I want to work upon graduating. I love being a journalist but after speaking to friends and family, I think next summer I want to try a different field. Possibly finance? I want to explore all the different areas now that I am young and able to. I really want to see what it is I love and which field is the most rewarding to me. However, who knows maybe I will end up back in the journalism field, but next summer I am going to explore my options.

The things that I love about my job that I am definitely hoping to have for next summers internship is my boss and the tasks I perform on a daily basis. My boss is super nice and always willing to help the interns. She is always giving us stories to write up throughout the day so we aren't bored and just sitting there. She will never send us to make coffee runs or errands, which is also very nice! One thing I will try to have next summer is a paid internship. These hours at are not bad at all, but being paid for my work will be great if I can find paid summer internship.

Well, thats really all for today. Hope everyone is enjoying their internship!

-Morgan McCarthy


  1. I totally understand what you mean! We got the day off on July 4th and it was absolute heaven sleeping in! My parents told me that I should spend my summer working and actually making money, but I really want to continue doing internships, so the only solution I see is to also look for a paid internship. They're few and far between though, and they might require more from me if I'm paid. I hope you find a paid position next summer though. I think more companies should have a lot more faith in the skills of college students!

  2. My boss seems very similar to yours. She has never made me do menial work like coffee runs. The only time she made me run an errand (dropping off t-shirts to one of our sponsors) she felt so bad that she gave me a target gift card as compensation. It is really great to know my time is valued!

  3. That’s great you want to maybe do an internship in another field. I am currently doing an internship in finance but would love to try a different field as well next summer, possibly in advertising or intern for a magazine. I think it is really important to try as many different internships as possible so you can figure out what you do and don't like. I am not getting paid either and definitely agree with you that next year I will look for a paid internship. It's great to hear you enjoyed it!
