Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Blog 5 - Looking Back/Overall Insight

In my three years at the University of Michigan, I have taken classes in various disciplines. More importantly, in classes within my economics major requirement, I have had to incorporate various skills gathered from the different disciplines. Moreover, while working at Selftising, I have encountered material from both the technology sector, as well as the business sector. As a result, in order to provide thorough and quality work, I have had to utilize my background in both sectors, and integrate my skills when working with the application that we are currently developing and attempting to sell in America.

Given past experience at internships, along with my three years at the University of Michigan, I did not have many situations that surprised me during my time at Selftising. However, at Selftising, I have realized that my boss, who is also one of the executives in the company, was only in the office 60 percent of the time because he had to balance this company with his work at his other company. Although we were always in contact, I was surprised to find that people in executive positions in Barcelona have positions in multiple companies. Although initially I was not very vocal, over time I have grown to be in constant contact with my boss, through email. Also, when he has been in the office, I try to have quick meetings just to get all of my questions answered, and to bring my boss up to date. Thus, despite this surprising situation, I have been able to enjoy my work experience, and achieve my work goals up to this point in my internship.

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